Hypertherm HTA Rev 6.00 Install Guide User Manual
Page 173

Appendix C: Program Codes
Programming Code
The ASCII message string follows a unique program message format. Each command begins with a
“>” character and ends with a “<” character. These characters are used as delimiters to frame the
command (Message Type, Optional Format and Optional Delay Time/ Time Out) instructions for the
Message Information
The format of this command code is outlined as follows:
EIA Example:
>20+Format+Delay Time/Time Out >20< Direct message with Delay This optional Format value allows the user to add Time in seconds ( see Time Out Value below ) The message content ( see Message Text below ) Example: 3 (>20,1,1
Message Command Type
>21< Direct message without Delay
>22< Message that requires Acknowledge
( see Message Command Type below )
Optional Format Value
Line Feed and Carriage Return commands, etc.,
message string. 0,1,16,17,32,33,48,49,64,65,80,81,
96,97,112,113 are supported ( see Format Value below ).
Optional Delay Time/Time Out Value
Message Text
Note: Message format is always within comment characters and the Command portion of the
program code is between the “>” Character and the “<” Character.
ESSI Example: EIA
See below for format and delay Code information.
Note: For the example provided, the plus sign (+) character was used as delimiter between fields for
the command instruction. In addition to the plus sign (+), the hyphen (-), comma (,) or space may be
used as delimiters.
Using spaces, the EIA command would look like this: (>20 Format Timeout