Ppcbug firmware – Artesyn MVME51005E SBC Installation and Use (July 2014) User Manual
Page 49

PPCBug Firmware
MVME51005E Single Board Computer Installation and Use (6806800A38D)
Auto Boot Scan Enable [Y/N] = Y?
Auto Boot Scan Device Type List = FDISK/CDROM/TAPE/HDISK?
This is the listing of boot devices displayed if the Autoboot Scan option is enabled. If you modify
the list, follow the format shown above (uppercase letters, using forward slash as separator).
Auto Boot Controller LUN = 00?
Refer to the PPCBug Firmware Package User's Manual for a listing of disk/tape controller
modules currently supported by PPCBug. (Default = 0x00)
Auto Boot Device LUN = 00?
Refer to the PPCBug Firmware Package User's Manual listed in
for a listing of disk/tape devices currently supported by PPCBug. (Default =
Auto Boot Partition Number = 00?
Identifies which disk “partition” is to be booted, as specified in the PowerPC Reference Platform
(PReP) specification. If set to zero, the firmware will search the partitions in order (1, 2, 3, 4)
until it finds the first “bootable” partition. That is then the partition that will be booted. Other
acceptable values are 1, 2, 3 or 4. In these four cases, the partition specified will be booted
without searching.
Auto Boot Abort Delay = 7?
The time in seconds that the Autoboot sequence will delay before starting the boot. The
purpose for the delay is to allow you the option of stopping the boot by use of the BREAK key.
The time value is from 0-255 seconds. (Default = 7 seconds)
Auto Boot Default String [NULL for an empty string] = ?
You may specify a string (filename) which is passed on to the code being booted. The
maximum length of this string is 16 characters. (Default = null string)
If Autoboot is enabled, the Autoboot process attempts to boot
from devices specified in the scan list (for example,
If Autoboot is enabled, the Autoboot process uses the Controller
LUN and Device LUN to boot.