Alarm generation – EXFO IQS-8500 Series for IQS-600 User Manual
Page 258

WIS Tabs
FTB-8500 Series and FTB-8120NGE/8130NGE
Alarm Generation
Note: Alarm generation is available with BERT test only.
Type: The following alarms are available. The default setting is SEF.
SEF (Severely Errored Framing): Generates more than four
consecutive errored framing patterns.
LOF (Loss Of Frame): Generates a non-valid framing pattern.
AIS-L (Alarm Indication Signal - Line): Generates a “111” pattern
for the bits 6, 7 and 8 of the K2 byte.
RDI-L (Remote Defect Indication - Line): Generates a “110” pattern
for the bits 6, 7 and 8 of the K2 byte.
LOP-P (Loss Of Pointer): Generates a non-valid pointer.
AIS-P (Alarm Indication Signal - Path): Generates an all-ones
pattern for H1 and H2 bytes.
LCD-P (Loss of Code-Group Delineation - Path): Generates a PCS
link down.
UNEQ-P (Unequipped - Path): Generates samples of unequipped
STS signal labels (C2 is set to “00 H”).
RDI-P (Remote Defect Indication - Path): Generates a “100” pattern
for bits 5, 6 and 7 of the G1 byte.
ERDI-PSD (Enhanced RDI - Path Server Defect): Generates a “101”
pattern for bits 5, 6 and 7 of the G1 byte.