Phone book – EXFO VDSL2 User Manual
Page 21

Getting Started with Fault Isolation Tools
Copper, VDSL2, ADSL2+ and IP Triple-Play Test Set
Dialer Function
Phone Book
Phone Book provides you with a list of
saved names and numbers that will be
part of the Profile.
Each parameter and button is
described below:
Name displays the list box of
names in a Phone Book list.
Number displays the list box of
phone numbers in a Phone Book list.
List Box can display up to 30 names/numbers. Once the list box
reaches 30 entries the New button will be disabled. The Phone Book
has 3 predefined entries: Milliwatt Line, Silent Switchman, and Quiet
Line. These entries can be edited but not removed.
To select a name/number from the current list:
1. Press the up/down arrow keys to highlight the desired parameter.
2. Press
to select the item.
This selection can be edited or removed. Once you leave this screen, the
selected name/number will be used to dial. All changes are automatically
saved into Phone Book.
New invokes the edit screen where a new name and number can be
entered then saved to the Phone Book list.
Delete removes the selected entry from the Phone Book list.
Edit invokes the edit screen where a name and number can be viewed
or changed.