Echelon LonWorks Router User Manual
Page 85

Table 17. Bill of Materials for the FT Router 5000 and FT-X3 Interconnection
4.99 kΩ
Pullup resistor
470 V MOV, 5 mm, 40 pF (typical)
Panasonic ERZV05D471, Digi-Key
P7186-ND or equivalent
C1, C2
56 pF, 50 V
Common-mode noise immunity
capacitors (for EN61000-4-6 Level
C3, C4
100 pF, 5%
Optional center-tap capacitors
C5, C6
22 μF, ≥50 V, polar
DC blocking capacitors
D1, D2
ESD transient clamping diodes
D3, D4, D5, D6
BAV99, 1N4148-equivalent
1N4934, 1N4935, FR1D, RS1D,
Differential network clamping
For up to 2 kV Surge Protection
For up to 6 kV Surge Protection
In Figure 38, diodes D1 and D2 are ESD transient clamping diodes. Capacitors
C1 and C2 provide common-mode noise immunity for compliance with EN61000-
4-6 Level 3. Capacitors C5 and C6 are used to provide DC voltage isolation for
the FT 5000 Smart Transceiver when it is used on a link power network and to
protect it in the event of a DC power fault on the network wires. The capacitors
are required to meet L
interoperability guidelines for the TP/FT-10
channel. These capacitors are not needed for devices that will be connected
exclusively to non-link power networks and do not require protection against DC
faults. Two polar capacitors are used to protect against the application of a DC
voltage of either polarity, while providing a total capacitance of 11 μF.
Alternatively, a single non-polar capacitor of 10 μF can be used in either of the
two legs that connect to the network. The initial tolerance of the capacitor should
be ±20% or less, and degradation due to aging and temperature effects should not
exceed 20% of the initial minimum value.
In some cases, adding capacitors (C3 and C4) between the center tap pins of the
FT-X3 Communications Transformer and ground can reduce EMI emissions. If
used, C3 should always be connected to logic ground. If used, C4 can connect to
either logic ground or Earth ground, depending on whether your device connects
Earth and logic ground.
See the Series 5000 Chip Data Book for information about connecting a Series
5000 chip to a TP/FT-10 channel, including the FT Router 5000, and for
information about the FT-X3 Communications Transformer.
Router User’s Guide