Far side escape code, Router options set with write memory, Set routing algorithm – Echelon LonWorks Router User Manual
Page 116: Set buffer size

typedef struct {
algorithm type; // CONFIGURED, LEARNING, BRIDGE,
rtr_mode mode; // TEMP_BRIDGE or NORMAL
} NM_rtr_status_response;
Far Side Escape Code
When this message code is placed in the message, and is followed by any network
management or network diagnostic message (except the escape message itself),
that message is passed to the other (far) router side for processing. Any
responses are returned in the normal manner. This command allows network
management of the router side that is not directly addressable from a network
management tool.
The far side escape code is not required for the Set Node Mode network
management message when it is used to place the router offline and online (the
APPL_OFFLINE and APPL_ONLINE options). The offline and online commands
are automatically forwarded.
byte code; /* Destination: NM, code: 0x7E */
Router Options Set with Write Memory
The Write Memory network management message is used to change the routing
algorithm, buffer sizes, and buffer queue counts. To change these parameters,
perform the following steps:
1. Change the parameters using the Write Memory network management
message, as described in the following sections.
2. Reset the router using the Set Node Mode network management message.
Set Routing Algorithm
The routing algorithm is selected using a Write Memory network management
message with the following parameters:
offset = 0x0037;
count = 1;
form = CNFG_CS_RECALC (4)
data = routing_algorithm;
The routing_algorithm value is a byte of type algorithm:
typedef enum {
} algorithm;
Set Buffer Size
The buffer sizes are selected using a Write Memory network management
message with the following parameters:
Network Management Messages