Rtr-10 mechanical description – Echelon LonWorks Router User Manual

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RTR-10 Mechanical Description

The RTR-10 Router Core Module consists of a 67 mm by 23 mm by 7 mm (2.65 in

by 0.9 in by 0.3 in) module with the core electronics and firmware required to

implement a router. The RTR-10 is attached to a motherboard, using a 40-

position 0.050-inch spacing SIMM socket, such as a Molex


Incorporated 1.27mm

(.050") Pitch SIMM Socket:

However, these Molex SIMM sockets are obsoleted and are unavailable for

purchase from Molex. Echelon has a limited supply of these sockets (models

61101R and 61102R); contact Echelon Support for more information.
The following figures show recommended mechanical layouts for the RTR-10:

Figure 22 shows the vertical socket mechanical footprint, Figure 23 shows the

vertical socket pad layout, Figure 24 shows the right-angle socket mechanical

footprint, and Figure 25 shows the right-angle socket pad layout.

Figure 22. RTR-10 PCB Footprint (Component Side, Vertical Mounting)


LONWORKS Router Mechanical Interfaces