EVCO EVF818P9 User Manual
Page 52
EVF818 | Installer manual ver. 1.0 | Code 144F818E104
page 52 of 76
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device address
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baud rate
0 = 2,400 baud
1 = 4,800 baud
2 = 9,600 baud
3 = 19,200 baud
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0 = none (no parity)
1 = odd
2 = even
the unit of measurement depends on parameter P2
appropriately set the parameters relative to the regulators after modification of parameter P2
the time established with the parameter is counted also during the "on" status and during the "stand-by" status
The parameter differential is 2 °C/4 °F
on device switch-on (or cycle start), if the condenser temperature is already over that established with
parameter C7, parameter C8 will have no effect
defrosting is only enabled during pre-cooling, on start-up of blast feeding and at the start-up of deep freezing
(in these last two cases on condition that parameter d4 is set at 1) and during storage
the device memorises the defrosting interval count every 30 minutes; the modification of parameter d0 has
effect from the conclusion of the previous defrosting interval (or the activation of defrosting in manual mode)
if on activation of defrosting, the previous compressor switched on at from a time shorter than that established
with parameter d15, the compressor will remain on longer for the fraction of time necessary to complete this
time period
the temperature alarms are only enabled during storage
during defrosting. pre-dripping, dripping and evaporator fan standstill, the temperature alarms are not enabled,
on condition that they occurred after activation of defrosting. When the door is open, i.e. if the door micro
switch input is active and the parameter i0 is set at values different to 0, the maximum temperature alarm is
not enabled, on condition that occurred after the door was opened
if parameter P4 is set at 0, during pre-cooling, blast chilling and deep freezing the evaporator fan will be on and
during storing the device will operate as if parameter F2 it were set at 2
if parameter P5 is set at 0, the condenser fan will function parallel to the compressor
the door open is enabled only using the "run" state
if the door is opened during defrosting or evaporator fan standstill, opening has no effect on the compressor
modify the parameter during the "stand-by" status to prevent damage to the utility
if parameter u2 is set at 0, device switch-off will cause the cabinet light to switch off and on successive switch
on the cabinet light will remain off. If parameter u2 is set at 1, device switch-off will not cause the cabinet light
to switch off and on successive switch-on the cabinet light stays on
the pump down valve is activated when the compressor is switched-on.