7configuration, 1 preliminary information, 1 unit of measurements – EVCO EPD4DF3 Installer manual User Manual
Page 24

EVDRIVE03 | User manual ver. 3.4 | Code 144EPDE344
page 24 of 70
Preliminary information
A complete list of configuration parameters managed by the application is related in the following paragraph, each with
a short code, brief description, default values and limits, measurement units (U), the menu in which they are accessed
(M) and the notes.
The parameters are listed as shown when configuring the device using the set-up software system Parameters
Manager or the plants monitoring and supervision one RICS.
When configuring a built-in version or a blind one (through a remote user interface) the parameters are listed in pages.
The menus are split into levels:
U (User, without password)
I (Installer, protected by first-level password)
M (Manufacturer, protected by the second level password).
All the parameters in the User menu are freely modifiable and their modification is immediately applied. The Installer
parameters are usually loaded by the application only when the machine is in the Stand-by off (10), and can be
changed only in this state. The Manufacturer parameters are the most low-level and are usually loaded by the
application only at the start-up, can be modified only in the Stand-by off (10) and requires a reset to load the new
The variable Parameters status (ParS), is dedicated to requesting a disable or reset state: the new parameters will
thus can be loaded only when this signal went to 0.
The correct procedure for changing Installer and Manufacturer parameters is:
disable the valve
modify the parameters
verify the Parameters status (ParS) value
reset the board if requested by Parameters status (ParS).
Unit of measurements
Units of measurement used in the internal algorithm are Celsius (ºC) and Kelvin (K) degrees in tenths for
temperatures, and barG in hundreds for pressure.
For the convenience of the user, it is possible to set temperature and pressure parameters in the preferred unit of
measurement, specifying the unit in parameters Pressure unit of measurement (Ph60) and Temperature unit of
measurement (Ph61).
These parameters are acquired only during Initialization (0) phase at the reset , thus any changes to these parameters
will take effect only after a reset.
Setting of the Ph60 and Ph61 parameters affects:
the limits of certain parameters
the measurement read from state variables
the temperature and pressure parameters
The modify of the parameters of measurement unit will trigger automatic conversion of existing temperature and
pressure parameters: the automatic conversion of all the pressure and temperature parameters is performed in the
Initialization (0) at the start-up, and then the board reset is needed after unit of measure parameters change.
The correct procedure should be performed in this order:
disable the valve
change parameters Ph60 and/or Ph61
- reset
check Parameters alarm bit in the Alarm status (AlSt)