Port setting (in case of bl-180 /500 /600 /700 ) – KEYENCE AutoID User Manual
Page 65

BL Series Settings
Port Setting (in case of BL-180 /500 /600 /700 )
This section describes the [Port setting] tab for the barcode reader.
Baud rate
Select the baud rate (bit/s) from the pulldown menu.
Select None, Even or Odd for Parity.
Data bits
Select 7 bits or 8 bits for Data bits.
Stop bit
Select 1 bit or 2 bits for Stop bit.
Multi-drop link
When PLCs are connected in a multi-drop link, select "Enable".
When "Enable" is selected, "ID (1 to 31)" is displayed. Enter the desired ID No.
within the range 1 to 31.
* Set the ID No. so that it is duplicated on each of the BL Series devices that are
connected in the multi-drop link.
* When "Enable" is set for Multi-drop link, "RTS/CTS" cannot be selected.
Select this item to set a delay in transmission of the read data according to
control by the RS-232C CTS signal.
PLC Link
Set Don't user or Use for PLC Link.
When PLC Link is set to Don't use
When PLC Link is set to Use
PLC setup (page 4-16)
"Character" button
When this button is clicked, "Partition mark (1 char)" and "Inter delimiter (5
chars max)" can be set.
● Partition mark (1 char)
Set the character to be used as the partition marks between read barcode
data and additional information. Normally, use the default (:).
● Inter delimiter (5 chars max)
When Read mode is set to "Multi2" or "Multi3", this delimiter is used for
delimiting each of the read barcode data sections. Normally, use the default