KEYENCE AutoID User Manual

Page 4

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General Precautions

• Verify that this device is operating normally in terms of functionality and performance before the

start of work and when operating this device.

• We recommend that you take substantial safety measures to avoid any damage in the event

that a problem occurs.

• Proceed with care when modifying this product, or when using it in a manner that falls outside of

the ranges indicated in its specifications, since KEYENCE is unable to guarantee device func-
tionality or performance in such situations.

• Use this product in combination with other devices only after careful consideration, since it may

fail to satisfy its functionality and performance capabilities as a result of the conditions and envi-
ronment in which it is used.

• Do not use the product with the purpose of protecting human beings.


When using this device under the following conditions or operating environments, please consult
with your KEYENCE sales representative in addition to implementing safety measures such as
product operation that allows leeway with respect to features and use of failsafe provisions.
• Use of the product under conditions not described in this manual
• Use of the product in nuclear power generation control, railroad facilities, aviation facilities,

vehicles, combustion devices, medical equipment, entertainment machinery, safety equipment,

• Use of the product in applications that may have a significant impact on human life or property,

or that place a high priority on safety