Installation, Using the qclick software, Quiz genius – QOMO QRF700 User Manual User Manual

Page 6: Using the qclick software 2.1 quiz genius

background image

(recommended, but not required)


1. Place the software disk into your computer CD drive.


Open the disk and double click on the “QClick.exe” file in the root directory.

3. Follow the instructions displayed during the installation.

If the program has been previously installed, we suggest you remove the older version of

the program prior to installing the new program.

The default installation path is: C:\QOMO, and will produce one shortcut icon on the



Using the QClick Software

2.1 Quiz Genius


One PPT file = one quiz paper

One slide = one question

Open the QClick program by double clicking on the QClick icon

on your desktop.

If the QRF900 receiver is plugged into the USB port, the software will automatically switch

to QRF900 software. Otherwise, the software will prompt you from a system in the

selection window. You may plug the QRF900 main receiver into the USB port at this time.

The software will automatically switch to QRF900 system and display the logon window. If

you don‟t have the hardware, but would like to practice using the QRF900 software