QOMO QRF300 Activity Modes User Manual
Activity modes-qrf300

© Copyright 2012 QOMO HiteVision, LLC. All Rights Reserved
Activity Modes-QRF300
Normal Quiz
This is a traditional question/answer quiz. The students view the questions and answer
options on the screen and submit their answers into the responders.
See the QRF300 Quick Guide for detailed directions.
Paper Quiz
This quiz requires the questions to on a handout that goes to the students. However, they
use their responders to submit their answers. An answer sheet needs to be created in the
Exam Editor feature. (Go to the directions on how to set up an answer sheet.)
Run a Paper Quiz
1. Start the quiz. Enough time needs to be allowed for the students to submit ALL of
their answers.
2. The student boxes at the top of the screen will show the Remote ID # and will
indicate which question the student is on in the parentheses.
3. The student boxes will turn white when each student finishes the exam.
Note for Students: To get to the next question, the student will hit the F key on the