Traceroute ipv6 – Dell POWEREDGE M905 User Manual

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IPv6 Routing Commands


traceroute ipv6

Use the traceroute ipv6 command in Privileged EXEC mode to discover the routes that packets
actually take when traveling to their destination through the network on a hop-by-hop basis.


traceroute ipv6 ipv6-address [port]

ipv6-address—Destination IPv6 address.

port—UDP port used as the destination of packets sent as part of the traceroute. This
port should be an unused port on the destination system. (Range: 0-65535)

Default Configuration

33434 is the default port value.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC mode

User Guidelines

This command has no user guidelines.


The following example discovers the packet routes on a hop-by-hop basis.

console#traceroute ipv6 2020:1::1

Tracing route over a maximum of 20 hops

1 * N * N * N