Clock summer-time recurring, Clock summer-time date – Dell POWEREDGE M905 User Manual
Page 167

Clock Commands
clock summer-time recurring
Use the clock summer-time recurring {usa | eu | {week day month hh:mm week day month
hh:mm}} [offset offset] [zone acronym] command to set the summertime offset to UTC
recursively every year. If the optional parameters are not specified, they are read as either '0' or '\0',
as appropriate.
clock summer-time recurring {usa | eu | {week day month hh:mm week day month hh:mm}}
[offset offset] [zone acronym]
week—Week of the month. (Range: 1–5, first, last)
day—Day of the week. (Range: The first three letters by name; sun, for example.)
month—Month. (Range: The first three letters by name; jan, for example.)
hh:mm—Time in 24-hour format in hours and minutes. (Range: hh: 0–23, mm: 0–59)
offset—Number of minutes to add during the summertime. (Range:1–1440)
acronym—The acronym for the time zone to be displayed when summertime is in effect.
(Range: Up to four characters)
Default Value
No default setting
Command Mode
Global Configuration
User Guidelines
No specific guidelines
console(config)# clock summer-time recurring 1 sun jan 00:10 2 mon
mar 10:00 offset 1 zone ABC
clock summer-time date
Use the clock summer-time date {date|month} {month|date} year hh:mm {date|month}
{month|date} year hh:mm [offset offset] [zone acronym] command to set the summertime offset
to UTC. If the optional parameters are not specified, they are read as either '0' or '\0', as appropriate.
clock summer-time date {date|month} {month|date} year hh:mm {date|month}
{month|date} year hh:mm [offset offset] [zone acronym]