Snmp-server host – Dell POWEREDGE M905 User Manual

Page 443

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SNMP Commands


User Guidelines

View-name should be an existing view created using the snmp-server view command. If there
are multiple records with the same view-name, then the argument specified in this command
points to first view-name in the table.


The following example attaches a group called user-group to SNMPv3 and assigns to the
group the privacy security level and read access rights to a view called user-view.

console(config)# snmp-server group user-group v3 priv read user-


snmp-server host

Use the snmp-server host command in Global Configuration mode to specify the recipient of
Simple Network Management Protocol notifications. To remove the specified host, use the no form
of this command. This command enters the user into SNMP-host configuration mode.


snmp-server host {ip-address | hostname} community {traps {v1 | v2} | informs [timeout
seconds] [retries retries]} [udpport port] [filter filtername]

no snmp-server host ip-address

ip-address—Specifies the IP address of the host (targeted recipient).

hostname—Specifies the name of the host. (Range:1-158 characters)

community—Specifies a password-like community string sent with the notification
operation. (Range: 1-20 characters)

traps—Indicates that SNMP traps are sent to this host.

v1—Indicates that SNMPv1 traps will be used.

v2—Indicates that SNMPv2 traps will be used.

informs—Indicates that SNMPv2 informs are sent to this host.

seconds—Number of seconds to wait for an acknowledgment before resending informs.
The default is 15 seconds. (Range: 1-300 characters.)

retries—Maximum number of times to resend an inform request. The default is 3
attempts. (Range: 1-255 characters.)

port—UDP port of the host to use. The default is 162. (Range: 1-65535 characters.)

filtername—A string that is the name of the filter that defines the filter for this host. If
unspecified, does not filter anything (Range: 1-30 characters.)