Dell POWEREDGE M1000E User Manual

Page 385

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Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide



Changing bottleneck detection parameters



Entering a --config command changes only those settings specified in the command; all others are
left alone. The only exceptions are for the -alert (restores alerts using recorded values) or -noalert
(disables all alerts) switches. This means that if you want alerts, you must specify what you want as
the -alert value for every bottleneckmon - -config -alert command. See


on page 388 for

information about --config and -alert-related settings.

Use the following procedure to configure the bottleneck detection parameters:

1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account with admin permissions.

2. Enter the bottleneckmon --config command to set the alerting and sub-second latency

criterion parameters.

To remove any port-specific alerting and sub-second latency criterion parameters and revert to the
switch-wide parameters, enter the bottleneckMon --configclear command. To remove and erase all
bottleneck alerts and their criteria, enter bottleneckMon --disable. See

“Disabling bottleneck

detection on a switch”

on page 392 for more details.

Examples of applying and changing bottleneck detection parameters

The following examples show not just how to change various bottleneck detection parameters, but
how the changes made are retained when the next set of changes is made. For each example, after
the configuration command is run, the bottleneckMon


status command is run to show the new

settings, which are bolded just for the examples.

Example 1: Setting time window, quiet time, and threshold values for an entire switch

This example sets the time window to 150 seconds, the quiet time to 150 seconds, the congestion
threshold to 0.7 (70%) and the latency threshold to 0.2 (20%) for the entire switch.

switch:admin> bottleneckmon --config -alert -time 150 -qtime 150 -cthresh 0.7
-lthresh 0.2

switch:admin> bottleneckmon --status
Bottleneck detection - Enabled

Switch-wide sub-second latency bottleneck criterion:
Time threshold

- 0.800

Severity threshold

- 50.000

Switch-wide alerting parameters:

- Yes

Latency threshold for alert

- 0.200

Congestion threshold for alert - 0.700
Averaging time for alert

- 150 seconds

Quiet time for alert

- 150 seconds

Example 2: Changing time window value for an entire switch

This changes the time window value to 200 seconds for the entire switch.

switch:admin> bottleneckmon --config -alert -time 200
switch:admin> bottleneckmon --status
Bottleneck detection - Enabled