Dell POWEREDGE M1000E User Manual

Page 256

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Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide


Firmware download process overview


You can download Fabric OS to a Backbone, which is a chassis; and to a nonchassis-based system,
also referred to as a fixed-port switch. The difference in the download process is that Backbones
have two CPs and fixed-port switches have one CP. Use the firmwareDownload command to
download the firmware from either an FTP or SSH server by using FTP, SFTP, or SCP to the switch.
Or you can use a Brocade-branded USB device.

The new firmware consists of multiple files in the form of RPM packages listed in a .plist file. The
.plist file contains specific firmware information (time stamp, platform code, version, and so forth)
and the names of packages of the firmware to be downloaded. These packages are made available
periodically to add features or to remedy defects. Contact your switch support provider to obtain
information about available firmware versions.

All systems maintain two partitions (a primary and a secondary) of nonvolatile storage areas to
store firmware images. The firmware download process always loads the new image into the
secondary partition. It then swaps the secondary partition to be the primary and high availability
(HA) reboots (which is nondisruptive) the system. After the system boots up, the new firmware is
activated. The firmware download process then copies the new image from the primary partition to
the secondary partition.


The Brocade 8000 does not support a nondisruptive firmware download. The switch reboots once
the firmware upgrade or downgrade is complete.

In dual-CP systems, the firmware download process, by default, sequentially upgrades the firmware
image on both CPs using HA failover to prevent disruption to traffic flowing through the Backbone.
This operation depends on the HA status on the Backbone. If the platform does not support HA, you
can still upgrade the CPs one at a time.

If you are using a Brocade DCX or DCX 8510 Backbone family platform, with one or more
AP blades: Fabric OS automatically detects mismatches between the active CP firmware and the
blade’s firmware and triggers the auto-leveling process. This auto-leveling process automatically
updates the blade firmware to match the active CP. At the end of the auto-leveling process, the
active CP and the blade run the same version of the firmware.

If the firmware download process is interrupted by an unexpected reboot, the system automatically
repairs and recovers the secondary partition. You must wait for the recovery to complete before
issuing another firmwareDownload command.

The command supports both non-interactive and interactive modes. If the firmwareDownload
command is issued without any operands, or if there is any syntax error in the parameters, the
command enters an interactive mode, in which you are prompted for input.


For each switch in your fabric, complete all firmware download changes on the current switch before
issuing the firmwareDownload command on the next switch. This process ensures nondisruption of
traffic between switches in your fabric.

To verify the firmware download process is complete, enter the firmwareDownloadStatus command
on the switch, verify the process is complete, and then move to the next switch.