Dell POWEREDGE M1000E User Manual
Page 616

Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide
Zeroization functions
FCSP Challenge
Authentication Protocol
(CHAP) Secret
secAuthSecret –-remove
The secAuthsecret -–create command is used to input
the keys, and the secAuthsecret -–remove command is
used to remove and zeroize the keys. All the
DHCHAP/FCAP authenticated ports are disabled after
LDAP CA certificate
secCertUtil delete –
The given LDAP certificate file is zeroized and deleted
from the module.
The passwdDefault command removes user-defined
accounts in addition to default passwords for the root,
admin, and user default accounts. However, only the
root account has permissions for this command. Users
with securityadmin and admin permissions must use
fipsCfg –-zeroize, which, in addition to removing user
accounts and resetting passwords, also performs the
complete zeroization of the system.
In a dual CP system, executing passwdDefault
syncs with the standby. This means that when
passwdDefault is executed in the active CP, user-
defined accounts are removed from both the
active and standby CPs and only the default
accounts [root, factory, admin, and user] will be
retained. These accounts will have the generic
default passwords set.
To maintain FIPS 140-2 compliance, passwords
for the default accounts (admin and user) must be
changed after every zeroization operation.
RADIUS secret
aaaConfig –-remove
The aaaConfig --remove command zeroizes the secret
and deletes a configured server. The aaaConfig --add
command configures the RADIUS server.
RNG seed key
No command required
/dev/urandom is used as the initial source of seed for
RNG. The RNG seed key is zeroized on every random
number generation.
SFTP session keys
No command required
Automatically zeroized on session termination.
SSH RSA private key
sshUtil delprivkey
Key-based SSH authentication is not used for SSH
SSH public keys
sshUtil delpubkeys
Zeroizes the SSH public.
SSH session key
No command required
This key is generated for each SSH session that is
established with the host. It automatically zeroizes on
session termination.
TLS authentication key
No command required
Automatically zeroized on session termination.
TLS pre-master secret
No command required
Automatically zeroized on session termination.
TLS private keys
secCertUtil delkey -all
The secCertUtil delkey -all command is used to zeroize
these keys. The secCertUtil genkey command creates
the keys. Only RSA keys of size 1024 or 2048 are
TLS session key
No command required
Automatically zeroized on session termination.
Zeroization behavior (Continued)
Zeroization CLI