Table 62 – Dell POWEREDGE M1000E User Manual
Page 395

Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide
In-flight encryption and compression overview
Bandwidth limits
Fabric OS supports up to 32 Gbps of data encryption and 32 Gbps of data compression per
16G-capable FC platform. This limits the number of ports that can have these features enabled at
any one time.
shows some examples of how port speed affects the number of supported
ports for different implementations.
Even though this table does not show all the possible combinations of different speeds for the
encryption/compression ports, other combinations are also supported. The number of supported
ports is automatically calculated based on the speeds chosen.
Payload size limits
As the current encryption protocol can support only 560 words (2240 bytes), the payload size of
the frame has to be restricted to 2048 bytes. This is to ensure the frame reception on an
encryption-enabled XISL involving a Base switch works correctly.
Key Entry limitations
The current encryption supports the AES-GCM authenticated encryption block cipher mode. A key,
Initial Vector (IV), segment number and Salt are required to encrypt the data before it is
transmitted, and to decode the data after it is received on the other end of the link.
Number of ports supported per chip or per trunk
Blades (FC16-32, FC16-48)
For port blades, two ASICs; per ASIC limit = numbers above/two
Port speed
Encryption only
Compression only Encryption and compression
16 Gbps
4 ports
4 ports
4 ports
10 Gbps
6 ports
6 ports
6 ports
8/4/2 Gbps
8 ports
8 ports
8 ports
Auto-negotiate (AN)
4 ports
4 ports
4 ports
6510 Fixed-port switches
For Brocade 6510, one ASIC; per ASIC limit = numbers above/one
16 Gbps
2 ports
2 ports
2 ports
10 Gbps
3 ports
3 ports
3 ports
8/4/2 Gbps
4 ports
4 ports
4 ports
Auto-negotiate (AN)
2 ports
2 ports
2 ports
6520 Fixed-port switches
For Brocade 6520, four edge ASICs; per ASIC limit = numbers above/four
16 Gbps
8 ports
8 ports
8 ports
10 Gbps
12 ports
12 ports
12 ports
8/4/2 Gbps
16 ports
16 ports
16 ports
Auto-negotiate (AN)
8 ports
8 ports
8 ports