Configuring a logical switch to use xisls, Changing the context to a different logical fabric, As described in – Dell POWEREDGE M1000E User Manual

Page 299: Configuring a logical switch to use, Xisls

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Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide



Configuring a logical switch to use XISLs


Configuring a logical switch to use XISLs

When you create a logical switch, it is configured to use XISLs by default. Use the following
procedure to allow or disallow the logical switch to use XISLs in the base fabric.

XISL use is not supported in some cases. See

“Limitations and restrictions of Virtual Fabrics”


page 288 for restrictions on XISL use.

Use the following procedure to configure a logical switch to use XISLs:

1. Connect to the physical chassis and log in using an account with the chassis-role permission.

2. Use the setContext command to set the context to the logical switch you want to manage, if you

are not already in that context.

setcontext fabricID (or switchname)

The fabricID parameter is the FID of the logical switch you want to switch to and manage.
The switchname parameter is the name assigned to the logical switch.
You can only use one parameter at a time.

3. Use the switchShow command and check the value of the Allow XISL Use parameter.

4. Enter the configure command:


5. Enter y after the Fabric Parameters prompt:

Fabric parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no] y

6. Enter y at the Allow XISL Use prompt to allow XISL use; enter n at the prompt to disallow XISL


Allow XISL Use (yes, y, no, n): y

7. Respond to the remaining prompts or press Ctrl-d to accept the other settings and exit.

Changing the context to a different logical fabric

You can change the context to a different logical fabric. Your user account must have permission to
access the logical fabric.

Use the following procedure to change the context to a different logical fabric:

1. Connect to the physical chassis and log in using an account with the chassis-role permission.

2. Use the setContext command to switch to a different logical switch in the chassis:

setcontext fabricID (or switchname)

The fabricID parameter is the FID of the logical switch you want to switch to and manage.
The switchname parameter is the name assigned to the logical switch.
You can only use one parameter at a time.
The fabricID parameter is the fabric ID of the logical switch you want to switch to and manage.

Example of changing the context from FID 128 to FID 4

In this example, notice that the prompt changes when you change to a different logical fabric.

sw0:FID128:admin> setcontext 4