ClearOne Converge Pro User Manual

Page 83

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Local Cert: Click the Browse button to upload your Local Certificate file
CA Certs: Use the Add or Del buttons to add or remove CA Certs


Timers are used to keep SIP sessions “alive” on the network. Normally, default values are appropriate.
Occasionally your Network Administrator may want to customize the settings. Do not change these settings unless
directed to do so.

All Values are in milliseconds unless otherwise noted.

Use SIP Session Times: This box is checked by default. Removing the check will disable all timers.
Refer Timeout: Number of ms the server waits for a reply
Retransmission Timers: Refers to three Timers

T1: Sets the round-trip time for a packet
T2: Sets the retransmit time from a non-invite request (REFER, BYE, etc.) and INVITE resonses
T4: Sets the total time a given message can be on the network

Session Expires Timer (Value is listed in Seconds): Default time before the current session expires due to

inactivity. This value MUST be greater than the Min SE Timer value.

Min SE Timer (Value is listed in Seconds): Minimum Session Timer
Register Timeout (Value is listed in Seconds): The period of time a given device is registered on the



The Network tab allows the user to set basic network settings. Have your Network Administrator modify these

Provisioning: Provides the VH20 with access to data and network resources by receiving authorization

and privileges via resource management.

Use local settings: The unit uses local settings provided by the server
Use DHCP/TFTP: User provides settings for the VH20 to gain access to the network

TFTP from DHCP: TFTP settings are received from the server.