Appendix c: firmware loading procedure – ClearOne Converge Pro User Manual

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The 4.X versions of CONVERGE Console offer significant upgrades from previous versions. ClearOne strongly
encourages users to upgrade all firmware to the latest release version.

NOTE: Before performing any firmware upgrade save the CONVERGE Console site file.

NOTE: When connecting to a CONVERGE Pro site, CONVERGE Console checks for firmware/

software compatibility. If a compatibility issue is found the firmware uploader screen will
be presented to update the firmware. Follow the steps below to update the firmware. If you
choose not to perform the firmware update, close CONVERGE Console and use CONVERGE
Manager to select the version of CONVERGE Console that is compatible with the firmware
in the CONVERGE Pro.

If the connected Site contains units that are Version 3.X, they must be removed from the expansion bus prior to
performing the firmware upgrade.

Please follow the steps below to upgrade your Firmware:

Upgrading from 1.X Firmware Steps

1. Remove any 2.X, 3.X and 4.X units from the stack by disconnecting the expansion bus link cable from the 1.X


2. Re-connect to the 1.X stack with Console.
3. Download the 4.X firmware file to the stack of units.
4. The units will default and reboot after the download of 4.X firmware. The 1.X to 4.X upgrade requires the

firmware to be loaded twice to complete the version upgrade.

5. Reconnect to the stack with Console. Download 4.X a second time to the units. The units will reboot.
6. Units are fully upgraded.
7. Verify units have been upgraded by check firmware version on the front panel.

Upgrading from 2.X Firmware Steps

1. Remove any 1.X, 3.X and 4.X units from the stack by disconnecting the expansion bus link cable from the 2.X


2. Re-connect to the 2.X stack with Console.
3. Download the 4.X firmware file to the stack of units.
4. The units will default and reboot after the download of 4.X firmware. The 2.X to 4.X upgrade requires the

firmware to be loaded twice to complete the version upgrade.

5. Units are fully upgraded.
6. Verify units have been upgraded by check firmware version on the front panel.