13 "formolno – Metrohm 794 Basic Titrino User Manual

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6.3 User methods

794 Basic Titrino


6.3.13 "FormolNo""

Determination of the formaldehyde number in fruit juices.

TIP method with the submethods "Form.Pre" and "Form.Det"


6.0232.100 combined pH glass electrode, at measuring input 1.

Additonal instrument: 765 Dosimat, connect to 794 Basic Titrino via Remote line.


c(NaOH) = 0.1 mol/L.

Aux. reagent:

w(formaldehyde) = 0.35 adjusted to pH 8.5 with NaOH.

Sample: Pipette exactly 25 mL sample into the titration vessel.

Fill the dosimat with the formaldehyde solution and adjust the dosing vol-

ume to 15 mL.


FormolNo is started and the submethod Form.Pre titrates the sample to

pH=8.5. An activating pulse starts the Dosimat dispensing the formalde-

hyde solution. After the reaction time of 60 s Form.Det titrates again to

pH = 8.5. The calculation is performed in FormolNo.


Metrohm Application Bulletin Nr. 180

Form.Pre Preparation of the sample.


794 Titrino 01102 794.0010

date 2002-01-03 time 09:57 0

SET pH Form.Pre



EP at pH 8.50

dynamics 1.5

max.rate 10.0 ml/min

min.rate 25.0 µl/min

stop crit: drift

stop drift 20 µl/min


EP at pH OFF

>titration parameters

titr.direction: +

start V: OFF

pause 0 s

meas.input: 1

temperature 25.0 °C

>stop conditions

stop V: abs.

stop V 99.99 ml

filling rate max. ml/min


status: OFF


conditioning: OFF

req.ident: OFF

req.smpl size: OFF

activate pulse: OFF
