4 error messages, troubleshooting, 1 error and special messages – Metrohm 794 Basic Titrino User Manual

Page 137

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4.1 Error and special messages

794 Basic Titrino


4 Error messages, Troubleshooting

Data transfer inoperative See measures on page 131.

4.1 Error and special messages

XXX bytes missing

XXX bytes missing. For the storage of a method or a silo line

XXX bytes are missing or there is insufficient RAM for a TIP


Remedy: . Delete methods no longer needed or use

fewer silo lines.

check electrode

With polarized electrodes. There is a break or short circuit.

Possible causes and rectification of the fault:

- the electrode is not plugged in ⇒ plug it in

- the electrode is not immersed in the solution ⇒ immerse it

- the electrode is defective ⇒ use new electrode.

- the electrode cable is defective ⇒ use new cable.

The electrode test can be switched off under the


Exit: Rectify fault or .

check exchange unit

The Exchange Unit is not mounted (properly).

Exit: Mount Exchange Unit (properly) so that the coupling

engages or .

check T-sensor

No temperature sensor is attached (with MEAS T or if the

temperature monitoring is active).

Exit: Connect Pt100 or Pt1000 or .

data set reevaluation

Message if Titrino is reevaluating downloaded measuring point


division by zero

The result could not be calculated as a divisor in the formula

was equal to zero.

Exit: Enter appropriate value.

EP overflow

In a DET or MET titration 9 EP's or more were found. The first 9

EP's will be listed.

Remedy: Recalculation of data with higher EP criterion.

manual stop

The determination has been manually stopped. list overflow

Maximum 500 measured points can be stored.

Exit: Use start criteria or select larger time interval.

missing EP

An EP needed for calculation in a formula is missing.

missing fix EP

A fix EP needed for calculation in a formula is missing.

no.EP not corresponding

In DET or MET titrations, the number of EP's actually found

does not match the set windows: Exactly 1 EP per window has

not been found.

no EP set

In SET, no EP has been set.

Exit: and set EP.

no meas.quantity

In TIP a manual measurement () has been

performed without defining a measuring quantity.

Exit: and define measured quantity.