DgFlick AlbumXpress User Manual
Page 93

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Rotation of Photo
Within border: A photo can be rotated within its frame when it is in the ‘locked’ state. However, if a border or a
mask has been applied to it, it stays in its position while the photo alone rotates within it.
With border: A photo can be rotated along with its border or its mask as a single unit when the photo is in an
‘unlocked’ state. The photo can now be rotated in all three axis x, y and z to give it a 3D effect.
Copy, Paste and Clear Effects
Album Xpress allows you to cut, copy and paste
photos and effects on the photos in the Album. Right
click on the element you want to copy and select the
‘Copy’ option on the drop list. Now paste it on to the
location of your choice by right clicking on it and
choosing the ‘Paste’ option.
Flip Decor
Decors like border and mask can be flipped
horizontally and vertically, with the help of 'Flip'
option provided at the bottom in the respective tabs.
Flip Page
Album Xpress gives you the option of flipping a page both horizontally and vertically as per your requirements.
Horizontal flip: Right click on the page and select the ‘Flip page’ option on the drop list. Select ‘Horizontal’ to flip
the page horizontally.
Horizontal flipping (a) before flip (b) after flip