Preferences – DgFlick AlbumXpress User Manual
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Show/hide gridlines
Edit Photo
Crop design photo
Show/hide Centerline
Save the work
Delete Photo
Photo is locked
Save a copy of the
Start masking
Photo is unlocked and can
be modified
Load original image
Exit masking
Zoom in
Reset all
Clear masking
Zoom out
Sort photos according to
the required parameter
Save output as JPG
Photo is not of very good
quality but can be used
Rotate Borders in 90
and 270
Save output as PDF
Photo is of bad quality but
can still be used
Rotate clockwise and
counter clock wise
Save output as PSD
Photo is unfit for use
Flip horizontally and
Export for Choice Xpress
Swap photo
‘Info’ icon
Album Xpress allows you great flexibility in usages while working on it. You could
Change to the language of your choice.
Select the units you wish to work with.
Select the desired Theme for your software.
Choose your Facebook history storage options.
Select the layout for your software.
Set the path of Photoshop software for photo
‘Preferences’ window
After installation, click on the Album Xpress shortcut icon in your specified path to start the software.
Clicking on the ‘Preferences’ icon
on the top right-hand corner, displays the ‘Preferences’ window.
Choose your preferred language from various available languages from ‘Language’ tab, click on ‘Check for Updates’
to check the updated list of languages.
Select the units in which you want to work in canvas area from the dropdown list of ‘Units’.
Select the color in which you want your software to be displayed from ‘Theme’ tab, click on ‘Get More’ to get more
themes from DgFlick’s website.