Predefined album styles – DgFlick AlbumXpress User Manual
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Predefined Album Styles
Album Xpress gives you five styles for album creation. They are Perfect, Auto, Eco, Ready Album and Manual. Each
style has its own features and functionality. Let’s have a look on how each style is unique and different.
When you define any custom size in ‘Create Album’ window or when you choose any category and size from
‘Ready Size’ option, and then you click on ‘Next’ button to go to the next process, you see the below window
appears on the screen. This window gives you the choice to choose album style for the album.
Perfect Album: Perfect album is for those who love to see their photos arranged in the same order they were
clicked. Due to this album narrates a story of the event. In Perfect Album, the layout is automatically selected by
the software. In this style the albums are designed near to perfect as you always wanted to see. The photos get
into the album without any cut. You just need to select theme and photos and software will automatically design
album for you.
Auto Album: Auto Album is an automatic album creation wizard. You can get a ready designed album with this
option. You can select different template for every page of the album. You can do page wise photo selection.
Software indicates you by a tag on it that on which page that photo is going to be placed. You can sort the photos
accordingly. Software automatically set the photo in the selected template.
Eco Album: The main feature of Eco Album is all the
photos get set in the same size chosen by you. You
get two options for photo size i.e. small or medium.
Album Xpress generates the album automatically.
The orientation of photos remained unchanged.
Vertical photos are set in vertical format and
horizontal photos are set in horizontal format.
Ready Album: In Ready Album style, you get
readymade album designs of various themes and
they are event based. You just need to select the
album and photos and your album is ready.
Manual Album: This Album style is unique in many
ways. Firstly you get full control over page design.
Secondly, you can use ready to use templates. You
get various tools for page based designing like
background, masks, shapes and cliparts and so on.
You can create or compose page with your own
terms using your own backgrounds, cliparts and
even your own templates. You can also do manual
page composition in this style.
Predefined Album Styles