2 addressing of the slaves, Addressing of the slaves, 4the lenze automation system with ethercat – Lenze EtherCAT Controller-based Automation User Manual
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The Lenze automation system with EtherCAT
Brief description of EtherCAT
Lenze · Controller-based Automation · EtherCAT® Communication Manual · DMS 6.4 EN · 04/2014 · TD17
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Addressing of the slaves
The EtherCAT system uses two types of addressing for the slaves:
Auto-increment addressing
The auto-increment addressing is used by the master during the initialisation phase of the fieldbus.
When the "Pre-Operational" state has been reached, the master uses the Fixed-Address addressing.
Fixed-address addressing
With the fixed-address addressing, the slaves are addressed via the station address distributed by
the master during the start-up phase.
In the EtherCAT bus topology in »PLC Designer«, the first slave is given the address ’1001’, the
second the address ’1002’ and so on. The EtherCAT addresses cannot be changed.
The EtherCAT address of the master is ’0’. Access to master objects with the address ’0’ is possible.
The first slave of a configuration is given the following addresses ...
• ’0’ due to the automatic incrementation procedure;
• ’1001’ due to the fixed addressing procedure.