Index – Lenze EtherCAT Controller-based Automation User Manual
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Lenze · Controller-based Automation · EtherCAT® Communication Manual · DMS 6.4 EN · 04/2014 · TD17
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Abort codes (SDO)
Adding devices
Adding field devices
Addressing of the slaves
Adjusting the task cycle time and DC cycle time
AL Status Code
Application notes
Application Samples
Baud rate
Brief description of EtherCAT
Bus restart
C280/4 | ECAT bus scan compliance
C281/2 | ECAT master - state
C281/5 | ECAT master - state info
C281/6 | ECAT bus scan
C282/2 | ECAT DC - Slave sync deviation limit
C282/3 | ECAT DC - Current deviation
C286/10 | ECAT counter - Cyclic frames
C286/11 | ECAT counter - Cyclic datagrams
C286/12 | ECAT counter - Acyclic frames
C286/13 | ECAT counter - Acyclic datagrams
C286/14 | ECAT Clear specific counters
C286/3 | ECAT bus - Number of slaves
C286/4 | ECATBus - No. of DC slaves
C286/5 | ECAT config. - No. of slaves
C286/6 | ECAT config. - No. of mailbox slaves
C286/7 | ECAT counter - Tx frames
C286/8 | ECAT counter - Rx frames
C286/9 | ECAT counter - Lost frames
Cable length (max.)
Cable type
Checking the wiring (in the case of the i700 servo inverter)
CoE Interface (L_IODrvEtherCAT.library)
Commissioning of Lenze field devices
Commissioning of the i700 servo inverter
Commissioning of the system
Commissioning steps (short overview)
Commissioning the i700 servo inverter
Communication between the Engineering PC and the field
Communication medium
Communication profiles
Communication Settings
Communication times and drive-specific data
Compiling the PLC program code
Complete access
Configuration of free PDO mapping
Configuring individual PDO mapping
Configuring the communication parameters
Controller logbook messages
Conventions used
Create a project folder
Creating a control configuration
Creating a PLC program with a target system (Logic/Motion)
Creating a target system (Logic/Motion)
Creating a task
Cross communication
Cycle synchronisation
Data types (L_IODrvEtherCAT.library)
DC master
Defining the cycle time of the PLC project
Deleting the error counter from the application
Determining the physical EtherCAT configuration
Determining the pole position of the synchronous motor
Determining the task utilisation of the application
Device Interface (L_IODrvEtherCAT.library)
Diagnostic codes
Diagnostic Interface (L_IODrvEtherCAT.library)
Diagnostic master
Diagnostic slaves
Diagnostic tabs of the EtherCAT master
Diagnostics with the »PLC Designer«
Display window for EtherCAT logbook messages
Distributed clocks (DC)
EASY Navigator
ECAT bus - Number of slaves (C286/3)
ECAT bus scan (C281/6)
ECAT bus scan compliance (C280/4)
ECAT Clear specific counters (C286/14)
ECAT config. - No. of mailbox slaves (C286/6)
ECAT config. - No. of slaves (C286/5)
ECAT counter - Acyclic datagrams (C286/13)
ECAT counter - Acyclic frames (C286/12)
ECAT counter - Cyclic datagrams (C286/11)
ECAT counter - Cyclic frames (C286/10)
ECAT counter - Lost frames (C286/9)
ECAT counter - Rx frames (C286/8)
ECAT counter - Tx frames (C286/7)
ECAT DC - Current deviation (C282/3)
ECAT DC - Slave sync deviation limit (C282/2)
ECAT master - state (C281/2)
ECAT master - state info (C281/5)