BNC 1201 - 6 1/2 Digit Digital Multimeter User Manual
Page 81

and will be cleared when the meter is turned off, or when the MIN/MAX is
turned on, or after a remote interface reset. The meter beeps every time
when it captures a new minimum or maximum.
How to use Min/Max
You can use the Min/Max feature either through the front panel operation
or the remote interface operation.
Front Panel Operation
User first selects the measurement function they wish to use, and then
press MIN/MAX button to enable the Min/Max function. To read the
min/max value, the average value or the readings count, user can press
CONFIG button and then MIN/MAX button. Use ◁ and ▷ buttons to
switch between those values. The locations of the buttons are shown
with red rectangle frames in Figure 4-16.
※ Note: Press MIN/MAX again to disable this feature. The “MATH”
anunnciator on the display indicates the state of a mathematical feature.
Figure 4-16
Remote Interface Operation
The following commands show you how to use the Min/Max operation
from your PC terminal.
CALCulate:FUNCtion AVERage