3 min/max – BNC 1201 - 6 1/2 Digit Digital Multimeter User Manual

Page 80

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and △ and ▽ buttons to increase or decrease the numbers to a desired

target value. Press ENTER to set the value. Press % to activate this

function. And then observe the calculated percent value on the display as

shown as Figure 4-15.

※ Note: Press % again to disable this function. The “MATH” annunciator

on the display indicates the state of a mathematical feature.

Figure 4-15

Remote Interface Operation

Use the following commands to enable and configure Percent function:

CALCulate:FUNCtion PERCent



CALCulate:PERCent:TARGet {<value>|MINimum|MAXimum}

CALCulate:PERCent:TARGet? [MINimum|MAXimum]

4.3.3 Min/Max


When the Min/Max function is enabled, the multimeter takes in a series

of readings from the measurements, stores the minimum and maximum

readings in the memory, and then calculates the average value of all

readings. The number of readings taken since Min/Max operation is

enabled is recorded as well. These data are stored in a volatile memory