BNC 1201 - 6 1/2 Digit Digital Multimeter User Manual
Page 74

B. Number of triggers
Although the meter normally takes one trigger before returning to the
“idle” state, user can manually specify the number of triggers it accepts
before the “idle” state. However, this can only be done through the
remote interface. The following command show how to set multiple
triggers per returning idle state.
C. Reading hold
The reading hold feature is used to hold a stable reading on the display.
When a reading is stable, enabling the reading hold will hold the stable
reading and trigger a beeping sound. Reading hold feature depends on
an adjustable sensitivity band to determine if a reading is stable. The
multimeter considers a reading stable when three consecutive readings
are within the sensitivity band. Chapter 4.4.6 will explain how to adjust
the sensitivity band.
How to use reading hold
This feature is only available from the front panel operations. To enable
reading hold, press both SHIFT and AUTO TRIGGER buttons. To disable it,
simply press AUTO TRIGGER. The locations of the buttons are shown
with red rectangle frames in Figure 4-12.
Figure 4-12
D. Trigger delay
This feature is useful for user who needs a longer delay time to wait for
the system to be stabilized. The time needed to stabilize a measurement