BNC 1201 - 6 1/2 Digit Digital Multimeter User Manual

Page 168

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If (stat < VI_SUCCESS) Then
'Rem Error finding resources ... exiting
MsgBox "1201 device not found.", vbExclamation, "1201 multimeter device
viClose (dfltRM)
Exit Sub
End If

Rem Open a session to each and determine if it matches
stat = viOpen(dfltRM, desc, VI_NULL, VI_NULL, sesn)
If (stat < VI_SUCCESS) Then
MsgBox "Open device failed.", vbExclamation, "1201 multimeter device
stat = viClose(fList)
Exit Sub
End If

Rem send reset command '*RST' -- reset 1201
stat = viWrite(sesn, "*RST", 4, ret)
If (stat < VI_SUCCESS) Then
MsgBox "System command error. (*RST)", vbExclamation, "1201
multimeter device test"
stat = viClose(fList)
Exit Sub
End If
Rem send Clear command '*CLS'-- Clear 1201 status register
stat = viWrite(sesn, "*CLS", 4, ret)
If (stat < VI_SUCCESS) Then
MsgBox "System command error. (*CLS)", vbExclamation, "1201
multimeter device test"
stat = viClose(fList)
Exit Sub
End If

Rem send command -- 50 ohm reference resistance
stat = viWrite(sesn, "CALC:DBM:REF 50", 15, ret)
If (stat < VI_SUCCESS) Then
MsgBox "System command error.", vbExclamation, "1201 multimeter
device test"
stat = viClose(fList)
Exit Sub
End If
Rem send command -- Set 1201 to 1 amp ac range
stat = viWrite(sesn, "CONF:VOLT:AC 1,0.001", 20, ret)
If (stat < VI_SUCCESS) Then
MsgBox "System command error.", vbExclamation, "1201 multimeter
device test"
stat = viClose(fList)
Exit Sub
End If
Rem send command -- Select 200 Hz (fast) ac filter
stat = viWrite(sesn, "DET:BAND 200", 12, ret)
If (stat < VI_SUCCESS) Then
MsgBox "System command error.", vbExclamation, "1201 multimeter
device test"
stat = viClose(fList)
Exit Sub
End If
Rem send command -- 1201 will accept 5 triggers
stat = viWrite(sesn, "SAMP:COUN 5", 11, ret)
If (stat < VI_SUCCESS) Then