BNC 1201 - 6 1/2 Digit Digital Multimeter User Manual

Page 152

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CALCulate:PERCent:TARGet? [MINimum|MAXimum]

Query the target value for percent math function.


Read the minimum value found during the Min/Max operation. The multimeter

clears the value when Min/Max is turned on, when the power has been off or a

remote interface reset.


Read the maximum value found during the Min/Max operation. The multimeter

clears the value when Min/Max is turned on, when the power has been off or a

remote interface reset.


Read the average value of all readings taken since the Min/Max operation has

been enabled. The multimeter clears the value when Min/Max is turned on,

when the power has been off or a remote interface reset.


Read the number of readings taken since Min/Max has been enabled. The

multimeter clears the value when Min/Max is turned on, when the power has

been off or a remote interface reset.

CALCulate:NULL:OFFSet {<value>|MINimum|MAXimum}

Store a null value in the multimeter’s Null Register. You must turn on the math

operation before writing to the math register. You can set the null value to any

number between 0 and

120% of the highest range.


Query the null value.

CALCulate:LIMit:LOWer {|MINimum|MAXimum}

Set the lower limit for limit testing. You can set the value to any number from 0


120% of the highest range, for the present function.


Query the lower limit for the limit testing.