Dynaflow, User manual - maintenance – Ransburg DynaFlow User Manual User Manual

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User Manual - Maintenance

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Alternate PID Equation

The Alternate PID Equation should be used whenever the set point for the flow rate

is dynamically changed during Run mode.

OFF = The PID Proportional term is based on the error term, which is the difference

between the desired flow rate (set point) and actual flow rate.

ON = The PID Proportional term is based on the setpoint.



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Trigger Detection Method

This switch setting effects only GUNs configured as dual-component, Manual mode.

OFF = GUN trigger input signal required.

ON = GUN trigger input signal not required. Fluid flow through Master CHANNEL

initiates PID on Slave CHANNEL. Master CHANNEL flow rate is determined by a

manual flow rate adjustment located on the GUN.




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Lookup Table Enabled (This feature has been obsoleted in current revisions of the


This switch setting applies only to single-component GUNS.

OFF = The Lookup Table is updated while in Run mode, but it is not used to deter-

mine the flow rate set point when the GUN is triggered.

ON = The Lookup Table is updated while in Run mode and is used to determine

the flow rate set point when the GUN is triggered, or when the flow rate set point is

changed by more than 10% of the range in flow rate (Maximum Flow Rate minus

Minimum Flow Rate). In addition, if the GUN has been placed in Transparent mode

and a PLC or robot sends a flow rate set point via RIO or Analog Input, the value

is assumed to be a flow rate, rather than a pressure value.

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Analog Hold Mode

OFF = When the GUN trigger is removed, the E/P transducer pressure immediately

returns to MVR LOW.

ON = If the Trigger OFF Delay is zero, when the GUN trigger is removed, the E/P

transducer pressure immediately returns to MVR LOW. If the Trigger OFF Delay is

non-zero, the E/P transducer pressure remains at the last output value from the PID

loop until the Trigger OFF Delay expires.


CHANNEL MODULE P/N: 77206-XX or A10946-XX