Ransburg DynaFlow User Manual User Manual

Page 36

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Flow Tolerance Percentage

This is a number (in percent) that indicates how

much deviation above and below the set point is

acceptable. Increasing this number will reduce

nuisance faults, but may lead to inaccurate fluid

metering if set too high.

This number is a percent of the specified mix ratio

for each of the 2 materials that is allowed to occur

before the system faults with an OUT OF TOLER-

ANCE fault. This is only updated after the volume

of material, as set by the Tolerance Volume, has

passed through the GUN. The accumulated flow

volume is reset to 0 upon the application of each

RUN command.

Tolerance Volume

This parameter has no effect on single-component

GUNs and only effects GUNs configured for two-

component operation.

This is the volume over which the ratio accuracy

is checked. Every time the volume of Master

CHANNEL fluid specified in this parameter has

flowed, the ratio is checked. The default value is

150 cc’s of the Master CHANNEL. This param-

eter should never be set so low that less than 10

cc’s of the slave channel has flowed. If this value

is set too low, nuisance OUT OF TOLERANCE

faults will occur.

The first time a gun is triggered after being placed

in Run mode, the Tolerance Volume is 150% of

the value entered in the job.

Mixed Volume

The amount of mixed material present in the mix

tube, fluid lines, and spray GUN combined. The

fluid in the spray GUN is always the material

that has been mixed the longest. The processor

keeps track of how long this material has been

mixed (Pot-Life Timer), and therefore needs to

know the volume from the mix tube to the spray

GUN. To determine the amount of mixed material

in the system:

1. Measure the volume of the mixing block.

2. Measure the volume of the spray GUN.

3. Measure total hose length and inside diameter.

4. Use the following formula to calculate hose


5. Add 10% to calculated value.

Volume = d


x L x 12.87

Volume = Volume in cc’s

d = Inside diameter of hose

L = Length of the fluid line from the flow

meter to the spray GUN in inches

It is best to over-estimate the amount of mixed

material rather than to under-estimate it!

The DynaFlow system uses the Mixed Volume and

the Pot-Life Time when it monitors the flow rate of

the Gun. Pot-Life is monitored by dividing the Mixed

Volume into 40 equal sized 'buckets' of material.

When an amount of material has flowed that equals

the 'bucket' volume, the 40 'buckets' are time-shifted

so the oldest 'bucket' is eliminated, representing

the material that has vacated the Mixed Volume

tubing at the GUN, and a new 'bucket' is added.

If the GUN is in either Run or Load mode, a time

value of 1 second is placed in the new 'bucket' to

represent mixed material. If the GUN is in Clean

mode, a time value of zero is placed in the new

'bucket' representing solvent. Every second, the

time values stored in the 'buckets' are incremented

if they are non-zero (i.e. contain mixed material vs.

solvent). A Pot-Life alarm condition

exists if any of the 40 'buckets' contains a time

value greater than the Pot-Life Time (see JOB

parameters). A Pot-Life alarm may be cleared by

entering a Pot-Life Time of zero seconds.

Flush Volume

This parameter is programmed in cc's. It is the

volume of flush solvent or flush solvent/air mixture

required to give an adequate flush of the fluid lines

for the gun. It is used by the software to determine

when an adequate flush has occurred.