Diagnostic parameters (f5), Plot data (f6), Dynaflow – Ransburg DynaFlow User Manual User Manual

Page 42: User manual - operation

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Diagnostic Parameters (F5)

The following parameters are available in the

Local Operator Interface program as diagnostic


Force CHANNEL Digital Inputs

Forcing inputs permits debugging and trouble-

shooting to determine proper operation of the

hardware. Each CHANNEL input can be forced

ON therefore not requiring a hardware signal for

that input to become active. If an external hardware

input is present, a forced OFF command will have

no effect unless the hardware input is removed.

Force CHANNEL Digital Outputs

Forcing outputs permits debugging and trouble-

shooting to determine proper operation of the


Force CHANNEL Analog Outputs

Forcing analog outputs permits debugging and

troubleshooting to determine proper operation of

the hardware.


This feature allows the operator to generate a

real-time graph of many of the process variables

to monitor the response of the system as it re-

lates to time. Up to four variables from any of

the configured guns can be graphed at any one

time. All four variable do not have to be from the

same gun. (e.g. The triggers from 4 guns can be

monitored at the same time.)

The following variables can be graphed:

- Trigger

- Requested Ratio

- Actual Ratio

- Requested Flow (both channels)

- Actual Flow (both channels)

- Requested Flow (Chan. A & B)

- Actual Flow (Chan. A & B)

- Control Pressure (Chan. A & B)

To select the data to be graphed, simply touch the

Plot Data button (F6) then touch the items you

wish to plot one at a time followed by touching the

Select Variable button (F1). (Up to four items can



User Manual - Operation


be selected.) Pushing the F3 button removes all

items from the selection list and allows the opera-

tor to make a new selection. Pushing F2 will start

the data acquisition graph running. Each of the 4

graphed values will be plotted in a different color.

A legend at the top left and top right of each of the

two graphs indicate which value is which color.

(F1) Time Base – This button allows the user to

switch the time base (resolution) of the graph. In

fast mode, the full screen width is graphed in 45

seconds. In slow mode, the full screen width is

90 seconds.

(F2) Single Plot – This button allows the user to

record one full screen of data (45 or 90 seconds)

at which point the graphing stops to allow the

user to examine the data. In continuous data

mode, when the cursor reaches the right end of

the screen, it automatically jumps back to the left

and over writes the old data.

(F3) Stop Plot – This button allows the user to

stop the data acquisition process temporarily and

freezes the display for analysis or to save the plot

to disk or memory stick.

(F5) Start Stop ß - This button allows the user

to move both the start-time cursor and the stop-

time cursor at the same time to the left.

(F6) Start Time ß - This button allows the user

to move the start-time cursor to the left.

(F7) Stop Time ß - This button allows the user

to move the stop-time cursor to the left.

(F8) Stop Time à - This button allows the user

to move the stop-time cursor to the right.

(F10) Save Plot – This button allows the user to

save the displayed pot to either the flash drive or

hard drive of the touchscreen or to a USB memory

stick. It is saved in a bitmap format (.bmp) so it

can be printed on any standard P.C. with a printer

attached. The file is saved based on the date and

time it is saved in the following format…

File Name: AABBCCDD.bmp where…

AA = Month, BB = Day of Month, CC = Number of

hours since midnight, DD = Minutes since last hour.