Edit job (f4) – Ransburg DynaFlow User Manual User Manual
Page 38

Display Mode
This parameter has three possible values: RATIO
indicates what type of bar-graph will be displayed
on the main screen immediately to the left of the
flow rate bar-graph for each gun.
- Ratio Tolerance
This indicates the instantaneous ratio of the mate-
rial being fed into the static mix tube at any instant
in time.
- Mixed Volume
This indicates how much of the mixed volume
(the material between the static mix tube and the
applicator) has ratio material in it.
- Pot Life
This bar-graph indicates how old the oldest mixed
material is. (This is the material in the applicator.)
JOB parameters may be edited at any time. How-
ever, if a JOB is edited while active, the changes
made to CHANNEL related parameters will not
take effect until the GUN has been halted and
requested to be active again. Changes made to
GUN related parameters take effect immediately
after being saved to the Interface Module.
When a GUN is configured for two-component
operation and the Ratio is 99.0:1, or greater, the
GUN is said to be operating in pseudo single-
component mode. In this case, the slave (catalyst)
CHANNEL is NOT set to MVR LOW when the
GUN is placed in either Run or Load modes. How-
ever, if the slave (catalyst) CHANNEL is specified
as a clean CHANNEL, it will be turned on to MVR
HIGH in Clean mode.
When a 2K manual GUN is placed in single-com-
ponent operation, the master (resin) CHANNEL
simply turns on to the MVR HIGH output pressure
when the GUN is placed in Run mode. All fluid
flow is accounted for in the JOB totals.
When a 2K automatic GUN is placed in single-
component operation, the master (resin) CHAN-
NEL will control fluid per the set point parameter
in the JOB when the GUN is placed in Run mode
and a trigger signal is supplied. All fluid flow is
accounted for in the JOB totals.
Master Percentage
Refer to "Mix Ratio" information.
Slave Percentage
Refer to "Mix Ratio" information.
Flow Rate Set Point
This parameter has several functions depending
on the mode in which the GUN is configured.
- Manual Mode
If the GUN is configured as a manual GUN, this
value is the total desired flow rate (cc’s/min) when
the GUN is put in Load Mode (See "Load Mode"
in the "Operation" section of this manual).
- Automatic Mode without Analog Control
If the GUN is configured as an automatic GUN
and external analog control of the flow rate is not
being used, this is the total flow rate of the mixed
material desired at the spray GUN.
Any modifications to the JOB Param-
eters screen data are saved only when
the operator presses the "Store Data" key
(F5), otherwise the modifications will be
lost when the screen is exited with the es-
cape (ESC) key.
Mix Ratio
Ratio is expressed as parts of Master CHANNEL
to parts of Slaved CHANNEL in the form of XX:1.
The Master CHANNEL is typically the resin and
the slave CHANNEL is typically the catalyst. If
the desired mix ratio is supplied as a percentage
of catalyst to the total volume. Use the Master
and Slave Percentage boxes instead.