General, Dynaflow, User manual - operation – Ransburg DynaFlow User Manual User Manual

Page 50: Load mode, Pulsed and maintained inputs, System inputs and outputs

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User Manual - Operation

rate of the master channel based on flowmeter

feedback and calculates the set point of the slaved

(catalyst) CHANNEL based on the ratio setting for

the GUN. The detection of a Trigger OFF signal

or the lack of Master CHANNEL flow meter pulses

will cause the controller to output the MVR LOW

setting to the Slave CHANNEL. In addition, the PID

control loop is frozen and the last control output

stored. Upon reapplication of a Trigger signal,

or the detection of Master CHANNEL flow meter

pulses depending on the dip switch setting on the

Channel Module, the stored Slave

CHANNEL control signal is output for a short delay

time and then the PID control loop is again initi-

ated. This results in stable control loop operation

regardless of the duration or quickness of trigger


The flow rate of the master CHANNEL will be

continuously monitored during operation and the

slaved CHANNEL set point adjusted accordingly.

If the slaved CHANNEL cannot achieve the proper

flow rate, the software issues a FLOW TOO LOW

or FLOW TOO HIGH fault.

Additionally, the software verifies ratio after each

TOLERANCE VOLUME has flowed through the

master channel flow meter by comparing the two

volumes that flowed during that time period and

calculates a "ratio error". If that error is greater than

the FLOW TOLERANCE parameter, the software

issues an OUT OF TOLERANCE fault.

When the GUN is given a HALT command, both

fluid regulators are set to 0 psi.

Load Mode

LOAD MODE is similar to RUN MODE. However,

in LOAD MODE, up to 10 faults are permitted be-

fore the gun will leave LOAD MODE and enter the

FAULT MODE. All eleven (11) faults will appear

in the Error Log screen. The GUN will automati-

cally leave LOAD MODE and return to the READY

MODE after a volume greater than or equal to

the Mixed Volume has flowed since the last fault.


1. The external GUN Enable input must be sup-

plied to the Master CHANNEL. No system or GUN

faults can be active and the GUN configuration

and JOB tables should be properly


2. The GUN Trigger input is not required for

manual GUNS.

3. A signal must be supplied to the Master CHAN-

NEL LOAD input or a LOAD command issued

from the Operator Interface Panel or other host


4. Flow will begin immediately.


1. Simply remove the LOAD input and apply the

HALT input, or issue a command from the Opera-

tor Interface Panel (host controller).


The following are common to both AUTOMATIC

and MANUAL GUN operation.

Pulsed and Maintained Inputs

Pulsed inputs detect the transition in voltage, ei-

ther up or down. This form of input is comparable

to a momentary push-button. Pulsed inputs are

timing sensitive, e.g. the pulse MUST be present

at the input at the proper time in relation to other

input signals. The duration of the pulse is also

critical. Pulsed inputs should be supplied for at

least 0.25 seconds in duration. The input signal

is ignored after detection by the controller and

can be removed at any time after the minimum

0.25 seconds.

Maintained inputs require the voltage to be held

at a level, either low or high in order to perform

the intended function.

System Inputs and Outputs

System I/O applies to all GUNs in the system.

They provide system status, input for JOB

numbers, and all system commands.