Dynaflow, User manual - introduction, Configurable operating parameters – Ransburg DynaFlow User Manual User Manual
Page 12: K operation

User Manual - Introduction
incorporate rotary atomizer speed control, shaping
air, high voltage power supplies and more.
The standard stand-alone control cabinet includes
control of up to 8 CHANNELs. It incorporates an
integrated 15" color LCD touch screen, PC based
display/interface sub-panel.
Configurable Operating
The design of the DynaFlow system allows it to
be configured to meet the specific requirements
of each application. The 8 available CHANNELs
can be linked together, using 1 of 8 GUNs, to
control the flow and mixing regulation of two-
component materials. The installed channels can
be configured to suit the application. If you are
using single-component coatings, the DynaFlow
controller can support 8 separate single CHAN-
NEL GUNs operating simultaneously. If you are
using two-component materials, then 4 separate
2-CHANNEL GUNs operating simultaneously
can be supported. For example, you can use 4
CHANNELs assigned to 2 GUNs to spray 2 dual
component paints on automatic machines, and 2
CHANNELs assigned to 1 GUN to spray one dual
component paint with a manual hand spray GUN.
In addition to the above, a GUN configured for
two-component operation can be dynamically
changed to operate in a single-component mode
by simply setting the ratio JOB parameter to
100. This allows a GUN to operate in either dual
or single-component modes by simply changing
JOB numbers.
The controlling parameters for each GUN and the
CHANNEL(S) assigned to that GUN, are called
JOBs. The JOB values define flow characteristics
such as Target Flow Rate, Mix Ratio, Flow Toler-
ance, etc. JOBs include all of the parameters that
may be dependent on the material used. This offers
the ability to optimize system control as needed
per material and then recall the settings each
time that material is requested. There are up to
100 JOB #s for each GUN. By saving frequently
used JOB #s to memory you can later recall them
by loading the number representing that JOB #.
All of the JOB #s can be backed-up to, and restored
from a USB memory device. Reference the "Opera-
tor Interface Users Manual" and "Program-mers
Manual" for details on data transfer operation and
available formats.
The flow control unit includes one Interface Module
and up to 8 hardware PID control CHANNELs,
2 CHANNELs located on each of the 4 possible
Channel Modules. The Interface Module will com-
municate to a host controller. The host is one of
the following:
PLC using discrete I/O
Allen-Bradley PLC using RIO
Local Operator Interface using an RS-
232C communication port
3-K Operation
DynaFlow was designed for either single or two-
component operation. Three-component operation
is possible by configuring two, two-component,
guns. The first Gun is set up as follows:
Gun 1 =
Master Channel =
Material = Resin
Flow Controller = Color Change
Value (CCV)
Flow Meter = Standard Gear-Type
Slave Channel =
Material = 2
Flow Controller = MVR, with appropriate size
Flow Meter = Piston or Gear, depending on
min/max flow rates
(see Notes 4 and 5)
Operating Mode = Manual