Common setting - netware, Common setting - netware -48 – Konica Minolta bizhub C200 User Manual

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Common Setting - NetWare

Specify the NetWare settings.



NetWare Setting

Select whether or not NetWare is used.

Frame Type

Select the frame type used with NetWare.

NDS/Bindery Setting

If "Operating Mode" is set to "PServer", select whether only NDS is valid or whether NDS
and Bindery are valid.

Print Server Name

If "Operating Mode" is set to "PServer", type in the name of the print server. If it is set to
"Nprinter/Rprinter", type in the name of the printer.
Range: Printer server name: Up to 63 characters; Printer name: Up to 47 characters
Characters that can be entered: Alphanumeric characters and symbols (space ! " # $ % &
' ( ) ~ ` { } _ - ^ @)

Print Server Password

If "Operating Mode" is set to "PServer", type in the password for the print server.
Range: Up to 63 characters
Characters that can be entered: Alphanumeric characters and symbols (space ! " # $ % &
' ( ) = ~ | ` { } + * < > ? _ - ^ @ [ ] ; : , . / ¥)

Retype Print Server

For confirmation, type in the password again.
Range: Up to 63 characters
Characters that can be entered: Alphanumeric characters and symbols (space ! " # $ % &
' ( ) = ~ | ` { } + * < > ? _ - ^ @ [ ] ; : , . / ¥)

File Server Name

If "Operating Mode" is set to "PServer", type in the name of the file server.
Range: Up to 47 characters
Characters that can be entered: Alphanumeric characters and symbols (space ! " # $ % &
' ( ) ~ ` { } _ - ^ @)

NDS Context Name

If "Operating Mode" is set to "PServer", type in the NDS context name.
Range: Up to 191 characters
Characters that can be entered: Alphanumeric characters and symbols (space ! " # $ % &
' ( ) ~ ` { } _ - ^ @)

NDS Tree Name

If "Operating Mode" is set to "PServer", type in the NDS tree name.
Range: Up to 63 characters
Characters that can be entered: Alphanumeric characters and symbols (space ! " # $ % &
' ( ) ~ ` { } _ - ^ @)

Polling Interval

If "Operating Mode" is set to "PServer", type in the interval for searching the print queue.
(Range: 1 to 65535)

Operating Mode

Select the operating mode for NetWare.

Printer Number

If "Operating Mode" is set to "Nprinter/Rprinter", type in the printer number. (Range: 0 to