Konica Minolta bizhub C200 User Manual
Page 115

Assistant tool for C200
Does not appear on the European model.
Specifying TX: PC(SMB) settings
One-Touch Name
Type in the recipient name that will appear on the one-touch dial button.
Range: Up to 24 characters
Characters that can be entered: Alphanumeric characters and symbols (! # $ % & ' ~ = + ` @ _
- { })
Destination Address
Select the method (IP address/host name) for specifying the destination address, and then
type in the address of the destination FTP server.
A host name can be specified for the destination FTP server if "DNS Settings" has been set to
IP address format: ***.***.***.***; Range for ***: 0 to 255
Host name range: Up to 64 characters
Characters that can be entered: Alphanumeric characters and symbols (! # $ % & ' * + - . / = ?
_ ' { | } ~ @)
User Name
Type in the user name for logging on to the FTP server.
Range: Up to 32 characters
Characters that can be entered: Alphanumeric characters and symbols (space ! " # $ % & ' ~
= ¥ | ; : + * ` / ? @ _ - . , ( ) [ ] { } < >)
Type in the password for logging on to the FTP server.
Range: Up to 32 characters
Characters that can be entered: Alphanumeric characters and symbols (space ! " # $ % & ' ~
= ¥ | ; : + * ` / ? @ _ - . , ( ) [ ] { } < >)
Retype Password
For confirmation, type in the password again.
Range: Up to 32 characters
Characters that can be entered: Alphanumeric characters and symbols (space ! " # $ % & ' ~
= ¥ | ; : + * ` / ? @ _ - . , ( ) [ ] { } < >)
File Path
Specify the path to the folder where the data is to be stored.
Range: Up to 128 characters
Characters that can be entered: Alphanumeric characters and symbols (except : * ? " < >)
Port Number
Type in the port number. (Range: 1 to 65535)
Select whether or not a proxy server is used.
Select whether or not communication is made in PASV mode.
Select whether or not anonymous users are permitted access.
Sub Address Regis-
A secondary recipient can be registered in case the data could not be sent to the main one-
touch dial destination.
Click the [Sub Address Registration] button to display a page where the secondary destination
can be selected. Select the check box for the one-touch dial destination to be specified as the
secondary destination, and then click the [Apply] button.
One-Touch No.
Shows the number of the one-touch dial button to be programmed.
One-Touch Name
Type in the recipient name that will appear on the one-touch dial button.
Range: Up to 24 characters
Characters that can be entered: Alphanumeric characters and symbols (! # $ % & ' ~ = + ` @ _
- { })