Horner APG QX351 OCS HEQX351C103 User Manual
Page 73

CH. 12
February 25, 2010 Page 73 of 109 #1039
%R Registers
A %R Register is a retentive 16-bit memory location used to store application-specific values.
HMI Registers
HMI Registers (%K and %D) give the user access to the QX keypad and display.
%K Registers
A %K Register is a non-retentive 1-bit memory location (contact), used to store the state of a
function key on the QX keypad. If the function keys are set for momentary mode, a function key’s
associated %K register will be ON as long as the function key is pressed. If the function keys are
set for toggle mode, a function key’s associated %K register will toggle each time the function key
is pressed.
%D Registers
A %D Register is a non-retentive 1-bit memory location (coil), which can be turned ON by
Ladder Code to cause the corresponding User or Alarm Screen to be displayed.
I/O Registers
%I Registers
A %I Register is a 1-bit memory location, which is normally used to store the state of one of the
digital inputs on board or associated with a SmartStack I/O module. When used in this way, %I
registers are non-retentive. All extra %I registers, which are not associated with SmartStack
inputs, are retentive, and can be used just like %M registers.
%Q Registers
A %Q Register is a non-retentive 1-bit memory location, which is normally used to store the
state of one of the digital outputs on board or associated with a SmartStack I/O module.
%AI Registers
A %AI Register is a 16-bit memory location, which is normally used to store the value of one of
analog inputs on board or associated with a SmartStack I/O module. When used in this way, %AI
registers are non-retentive. All extra % AI registers, which are not associated with inputs, are
retentive, and can be, used just like %R registers.
%AQ Registers
A %AQ Register is a non-retentive 16-bit memory location, which is normally used to store the
value of one of the analog outputs on board or associated with a SmartStack I/O module.
Global Data I/O Registers
Global Data I/O Registers (%IG, %QG, %AIG and %AQG) give the user access to the CsCAN
Network Port’s Global I/O data. This data can be accessed via User Screens and/or by Ladder Code.
The CsCAN Network is based on the Bosch Control Area Network (CAN), and implements the
CsCAN Protocol which is designed to take maximum advantage of the global data broadcasting
capability of CAN. Using this network protocol, up to 64 nodes can be linked without repeaters, and
up to 253 nodes can be linked by using 3 repeaters. For more information regarding CsCAN
Protocol, refer to the CsCAN Protocol Specification document (MAN0799).
%IG Registers
A %IG Register is a retentive 1-bit memory location, which is normally used to store a global
digital state obtained from another node on the network.
%QG Registers
A %QG Register is a retentive 1-bit memory location, which is normally used to store a digital
state to be sent as global data to another node on the network.