Horner APG QX351 OCS HEQX351C103 User Manual
Page 107

February 25, 2010 Page 107 of 109 #1039
%AI Registers, 73
%AIG Registers, 74
%AQ Registers, 73
%D Registers, 73
%I Registers, 73
%IG Registers, 73
%K Registers, 73
%M Registers, 72
%Q Registers, 73
%QG Registers, 73
%R Registers, 73
%T Register, 72
Accessories, 16
AutoLoad, 92
AutoRun, 94
Backup / Restore Data, 88
Backup, 99
Replacement, 100
Warnings, 100
When to Replace, 99
Battery backed RAM, 55, 95
CAN Comm
Cscape Programming, 30
I/O Expansion (Network I/O), 30
Ladder-Controlled, 30
Overview, 29
Ports, 29
Wiring, 29
CE, 10
Clone Unit, 55, 95
CLONE.DAT, 56, 96
COM, 25, 27, 30, 81, 82, 104
COM port, 82
Communication options, 31
Communications Port, 82, 104
CE, 10
Csape Program
Via Serial Port, 27
Cscape, 3, 25, 27, 29, 30, 63, 76, 79, 82, 83,
Configuration Procedures, 85
Establishing Communications, 76
Models Supported, 84
Overview, 75
Status Bar, 75
Default Gateway, 33
Detailed Product Descriptions, 14
Device Manager, 81, 104
Devices to Connect to QX, 14
DIP Switches, 26
Ethernet, 3, 104
Ethernet Communication, 31
Ethernet Module
Default Gateway, 33
IP Address, 33
Net Mask, 33
Status Register, 33
Version Register, 33
Ethernet Module Configuration, 31
Ethernet Module Protocol Configuration, 34
Ethernet Module Protocols and Features, 31
Ethernet Module Specifications, 31
Ethernet System Requirements, 31
Fail Safe System Overview, 87
Fail Safe System Settings, 87
Firmware Updates, 99
Testing for Good, 23
Ground Specification, 23
Locations of Information, 10
Grounding Definition, 23
IP Address, 33
Load Clone, 56, 97
Maintenance, 95
Make Clone, 95
Major Tasks, Key Chapters, 8
MJ Serial Port Connector, 25
MJ Serial Port Connectors and DIP Switches for
RS-485 Port Termination, 26
Mounting Orientation, 18
Net Mask, 33
Panel Box
Clearances, 20
Grounding, 20
Noise, 20
Orientation, 20
Temperature, 20
Panel Box Shock and Vibration, 21
Panel Cut-out, 19
Panel Cutout Tolerances, 19
Panel Design Checklist, 21
Panel Layout / Clearances, 20
Power Connector (Primary Power Port), 24
Primary Power Port, 24
Primary Power Port As Viewed Looking at the
QX351, 24
Primary Power Port Pins, 24
QX351 Mounting Clip, 18
QX351 Mounting Orientation, 18
References / Useful documents, 16