Triton BathyPro User Manual
Page 97

needed, you have an option to use the default values from Isis (from the XTF file)
or to enter new values in the *.GEO file of BathyPro.
Consider the following vectors shown in Figure 53 as an aid to setting up your
Patch Test area. Roll alignment is determined by running reciprocal lines 200 to
300 meters long over a flat bottom, in the deepest part of the survey area (line A
– B).
Latency, pitch, and yaw offsets can be determined either by surveying over a
prominent feature on the seabed or perpendicular to a steep slope (matching of
displaced contours). Lines C – D and E – F are examples of this.
Latency errors are determined by running at least two lines 200 to 300 meters in
length in the same direction but at different speeds. Pitch errors are determined
by running reciprocal lines 200 to 300 meters in length at the same speed. The
heading error is determined by running two lines in the same direction but offset
from one another by 1.5 times the water depth. The idea is to compare how
features/contours match on the outer edges of the swaths.
June 2004
BathyPro User’s Manual