Triton BathyPro User Manual
Page 109

the main output
Figure 60. Example of a finished latency test for 8 CON/XTF pairs
As each pair of CON/XTF files is processed, the latency number gains
accuracy. The effect of this converging accuracy can be observed in the two
windows to the right of the Processed files window. In both windows, the
referenced target (the subject of the most recently generated hyperbola) is
symbolized by a blue box with a red or green x in it.
Red x’s symbolize all your patch test plots done in the direction of your first
pass; green x’s symbolize all your patch test plots done in the opposite
After you have processed all con files appropriate for this patch test,
examine the numerical value in the Latency status area. The number
June 2004
BathyPro User’s Manual