Triton BathyPro User Manual

Page 27

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Do not have your working directory be the same as the directory
holding your original XTF file(s). In the course of processing, any
file modifications will be written back to an XTF file of the same
name that you specified from the Add file(s) to list… button. If
the target XTF file is your original XTF file, it will be overwritten.
Make sure, therefore, that the directories for the named XTF
file(s) differ.

After you have specified your file or files, the Set Processing Parameters and
Process buttons become available. Figure 6 shows an example of this.

Figure 6. Bathymetry Editor main dialog box with file added

3. Click

Set Processing Parameters to see the Bathymetry Correction

Settings dialog box, where you can inspect beam characteristics and, if
desired, change them.

June 2004

BathyPro User’s Manual