Triton BathyPro User Manual

Page 77

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Saving to each (or all) of those file types is not automatic; you
have to specify parameters for processing, with
corresponding file names to hold the processed data, before
processing will be saved to DDS_VIF, DXF, or XYZ formats.

completed, you get a DDS_VIF (generating a DTM), and also contour and
soundings files, if selected. An ASCII sounding file can also be created in the

Figure 40. Completed processing of XTF files in Bathy Pro

The green buttons indicate processing was performed on the parameters listed
next to them. The red buttons indicate parameters that the user did not select for

All that remains now is to process your XTF file, save your project as a DTM file,
and exit BathyPro.

To process your XTF file, save your project, and exit BathyPro

1. From the main menu, choose Processing → Process.

June 2004

BathyPro User’s Manual