Isocurves extraction – Triton BathyPro User Manual
Page 75

Isocurves Extraction
Clicking the Settings… button to this parameter leads to the Isocurves
settings dialog box (Figure 38). This dialog box allows you to set the contour
(isocurve) spacing, to select the name and location of the DXF file
containing the contours, and to adjust the amount of smoothing that is
applied to the contours.
Figure 38. Isocurves settings dialog box
In this dialog box you have four entities you can influence here:
• Smoothing filter settings — Isocurves (contour lines) are generated on the
smoothed, filled DTM surface. There are three smoothing options for the
curves themselves: a median filter with an adjustable strength, an average
filter, and no filter. Here, too, the dimensions of the filter can be selected.
• Filter Dimension in pixel unit — same function as the filter dimension Fill
Gaps Filter (see ‘Fill Gaps Filter’).
June 2004
BathyPro User’s Manual